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2036ad to 2477ad

The five different relationships of God with mankind,  described at the beginning of the period 2022ad to 2036ad, [BY GRACE No: 82]were reduced to three when God’s order for The Kingdom of the Heavens was imposed. These are as follows: 

B THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS is the subject of Christ’s teaching in the Gospel of Matthew concerning the mediatory rule by King David and the angels. Towards its close THE SEVEN CHURCHES IN ASIA which record an increasing deterioration in their faith, describe the condition of those Christians, being outside the Land of Israel, in whom is formed a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ at the time prior to The Great Tribulation.

P The Twelve Tribes of Israel in their Land. under King David. The two Houses of Judah-Israel and Ephraim-Israel, being the prophetic ‘two sticks’ [Eze 37:19-25] now joined as one tribe, the Whole Tribe of Israel.

T The subservient nations ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar. with a strict agenda to serve and honour God by supporting The Tribe of Israel in their Land. [Isa 60:9-16].

These conditions cover all mankind They open the first phase of The Kingdom of God as The Kingdom of Heaven, the order of which is ruled through mediators, the seven angels and the two kings, David and Nebuchadnezzar. God’s rules from His throne in heaven during this time [Isa 66:1].

The period which is the subject of this leaflet covers the traumatic events around the years 2470ad to 2477ad. During this time, the Evil One succeeds in causing deep and pernicious rebellion against God by all mankind..


A  THE DAY OF THE LORD This great day is prophesied throughout both Testaments, being detailed in the apostle John’s The Revelation of Jesus Christ. It begins when the archangel Michael, Israel’s prince, stands up in their defence following the ‘cutting off’ of their King David. In the early stages, prior to Messiah’s Second Advent, The Kingdoms of the World become The Kingdoms of The Lord. and The Church attends the Marriage Supper of The Lamb.

C  The Kingdom of God which will have begun in 2029ad and continue for 2940 years, when The  Day of God begins. God’s ruler-ship at this time will bring judgement upon all mankind, both the quick and the dead together with the unification of all in heaven and upon earth.   Please see here.  [BG  84]

D  The Last Days of The Tribe of Israel come to an end when the Kingdoms of the World become The Kingdoms of The Lord in 2477ad [Dan 2:34 & 44] They will have lasted for 520 years.  Please see here.   [BG: 5]

E  The Seventy Weeks Prophecy of Daniel concerning His People and His Holy City. This period of 490 years ends when The Lord Jesus Christ assumes sovereignty over the kingdoms of the world in 2477ad. It began when Jesus Christ took up the six items of His commission at the synagogue in Nazareth in 27ad, to lay the foundation for the fulfilment of the six conditions of the Seventy Weeks. By that date, these six conditions will have een completed.

F  The seventieth Week of Daniel’s prophecy begins with the ‘cutting off’ of King David, the anointed one. The Evil One attempts to prevent the fulfilment of the six conditions listed in the prophecy, by causing opposition and Great Tribulation for Israel and all mankind.

G  The Great Tribulation ‘such as was not from the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be’ [Mat 24:21], begins with the abomination of desolation desecrating the Temple [Dan 9:27] ‘such that if those days are not shortened, no flesh would be left alive’. Afterwards many false Christs will arise. but in heaven, 144,000 Israelites and a great multitude from all nations will be clothed in white robes before the throne of The Lamb, having come out of Great Tribulation [Rev chap 7],:

17 The Blessed Dead who die ‘in The Lord’ after The Great Tribulation. [Rev 14:13] The time of reaping has come when the harvesting of the earth gathers the clusters of the vine, for her grapes are fully ripe. [Rev 14:15]. Christ is the vine [John 15:1] , Israel are the branches which bear the fruit. [John 15:4-5]. In 2470ad King David will be ‘cut off’, a term indicating a forced breaking from the Covenant.

W The Kingdoms of the world become the Kingdoms of The Lord.  [Rev 11:15]   This is the first time that all the nations come under the direct control of God Himself. At this point the kingdoms of the world which were under the mediatory reign of King Nebuchadnezzar and other kings, comes to an end. [Daniel 2:37-45]

W2 At the beginning of the last week of the 70 weeks of Daniel’s prophecy in 2470ad,  the beginning of the last seven years, the resurrected anointed Prince David who has ruled since 2036ad, is ’cut off’, i.e. executed at the time of the antichrist. [Dan 9:26]

X2 The Gathering of The Church to Meet The Lord in The Air, then as The Bride of Christ at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb prior to The Lord Jesus Christ’s Second Advent.  

For The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven…..then we will meet The Lord in the air to be ever with Him. [1Thess 4:16-17]

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife has made herself ready.  [Rev. 19:7]   

And behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.  [Rev. 19:11] 

Y  Desecration of The Temple.  They shall pollute the sanctuary of strength…..and place the abomination that makes desolate. And the king shall exalt and magnify himself above every god and shall speak marvellous things against The God of gods.  [Dan  32 & 36]

Z Enoch wrote his record of events in the original language of the pre-flood patriarchs. As far as is known, no such record is available to-day. When God was first present upon earth with his disciples, this book was accepted as God inspired. Please see here.  [BG: 23, 24]

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