Paul's mind when he wrote his letter to the Philippians, is now better understood. The sequence of events leading to and from the time of this letter are described in Part ONE, the deeper study of which, has led to the realisation that Paul's second letter to Timothy was written a little time before. This is contrary to general belief, which accepts this Second letter to Timothy as Paul's last.

The following observations flow from the study of these changes:

1. The epiphania can no longer be accepted as The CHRISTIAN's HOPE of this time in which we live, The Administration of God's Grace. It is now recognised that the epiphania is associated with Christ's parousia, generally called Christ's Second Coming.

2. The CHRISTIAN HOPE of this present Administration is 'Christ's appearing. (christos phanerOthE).

3. It is recognised that the 19[+2] references to The Last Days form one period of time divided by this present Administration of God's Grace. 'The Last Days' of 2Timothy chapter 3 are now clearly shown to be associated with the other references to those days in both the Old and New Testaments. However, the description in 2Timothy probably describes the re-opening phase of those Days during the second Transition.

4. It is also recognised that the 70 weeks of years described by The Archangel Gabriel to Daniel the Prophet occur during The Last Days.

5. Paul's second letter to Timothy is understood to have been written before that to the Philippians, thus lying within that period before the revelation of this Administration of God's Grace. The course that Paul refers to being that of his first commission.

6. Paul's first commission as an Apostle was concluded at the time of his Second Letter to Timothy. Afterwards, until his receipt of Christ's revelation of this Administration of God's Grace, he remained without a commission. His second commission, following this revelation, gave him the authority to reveal to all those Christians living in this present Administration, the Order and Arrangement that God required of them.

7. Paul came to recognise that his Hope lay in his 'OUTresurrection OUT from amongst the dead' for purposes yet to be recognised. He will NOT partake of that Hope which is the blessing of all those Christians who have, are and will live in this Administration of The Grace of God.......the phanerOsis of Christ.

8. Paul's first letter to Timothy and his letter to Titus are now shown to have good reason to be despatched after Acts 28:28 in order to give instructions covering the changes occurring in the existing and new churches [ekklesias] caused by the postponement of The Good Work described in the record of the Acts Period.

9. Although Spiritually deafened and blinded, The House of Judah has continued to be God's people throughout this Administration of God's Grace, contrary to the general belief that they became Lo-ammi[Not my people] at the time that this condition was imposed only upon The ten tribes of the House of Ephraim Israel. The 49year cycle of Jubilees, although not practiced by the Jews at this time of God's Grace, have continued to determine God's actions relating to The House of Judah.

10. Finally, the Gifts of The Spirit given during the Acts Period are shown to continue after Acts 28:28 in the churches so endowed. However, after that point, no gifts associated with the direct purpose of that period, were given to new Christians because their purposes were directly associated with The acceptance of The Kingdom by The House of Judah, the Jews.

These are the main changes, but readers will no doubt be aware of other questions which have arisen regarding their own understanding. To some whose understanding has not changed since their Sunday School days, I would plead for their indulgence before they dismiss these studies as 'funny ideas'.

They have not been arrived at lightly or without considerable exhaustion of mind over several decades. They owe much to confirmatory study of other Scripture researchers and to my wife's patience. Another study is in preparation examining the Scriptures relating to the period of transition leading up to the phanerOsis of Christ.

I pray that the readers' understanding will increase together with their love of God and their appreciation of His most generous and unique Grace. 

George Morris. May 2000 (5th rev.8.2007)